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Farm Fresh Eggs - Dozen

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πŸ₯š Farm Fresh Eggs from Ravenfield Farm – Straight from Our Coop to Your Kitchen! πŸ₯š

Our eggs come from happy, pasture-raised hens at Ravenfield Farm, our very own family farm. Raised with care, our flock is made up of a beautiful variety of heritage breeds, including:

πŸ“ Ameraucana – Lays gorgeous blue eggs
πŸ“ Hamburg – Small but mighty, with delicate, speckled eggs
πŸ“ Polish – Fancy feathered hens with charming white eggs
πŸ“ Blue-Laced Red Wyandotte – A stunning breed with rich brown eggs
πŸ“ Buff Orpington – Gentle and golden, producing classic brown eggs
πŸ“ Leghorn – The queens of white eggs with exceptional flavor
πŸ“ Barred Rock – A hardy favorite, laying steady, delicious brown eggs

Each carton is a mix of beautiful, naturally colored eggs, packed with rich flavor and golden yolksβ€”just the way farm eggs should be!